Turv: Learn | Lead | Excel
Turv is the primary initiative, started with the aim of training corporate employees in soft skills. The focus areas are leadership and leadership communication, to introduce them to concepts & practices of people management and teaching them essential Soft Skills and Life Skills.
Our education system and environment does not prepare us well for these skills, which are essential for excelling at work. People can learn knowledge and technical skill from books. But the human aspects of managing people and situations is something books don't achieve efficiently.
The training workshops conducted by Turv have a unique blend of theory, practice, case studies, role plays and storytelling. This unique method tends to engrain these practices, rather than simply introduce the concepts.
We hope to improve the quality of people and the quality of life of the people through our training. Other than being capable and aware, they are more understanding, considerate and open minded. When people are managed well, they are content and happier. Needless to say, Happy employees are more productive.

Transform: Leadership for Children
Leadership Skills and Life Skills are essential in life, be it in professional life, business or personal life. The current education system is focused on academics and traditional learning. It totally ignore the need to teach such skills, which are more essential for success in any sphere of life.
Transform was formed with the aim of introducing children to these skills and traits. When children learn and imbibe these qualities at a young age, they are quick to learn and adapt. They practice and become proficient as they grow, and start practicing it, even subconsciously- as second nature.
Transform was developed after much thought, deliberation and brainstorming. Armed forces veterans, who have exhibited exemplary leadership, educators, child psychologists, curriculum developers, industry leaders and corporate managers got together to put together, refine this concept and develop the program.
These children will grow to become leaders tomorrow. Therefore, preparing them is not just the need of the hour, but our responsibility. The more prepared and skilled todays children are, the brighter wil the future be.
More About Transform

Sakksham: Empowering Educators
Sakksham was formed to take forward the Transform initiative of grooming our children, to be better, self-aware informed and capable.
Teachers and the Schools play a very important role in the education, growth and learning process of Children. Children are capable of learning a lot more than mere knowledge from books.
At Sakksham, we strive to empower the educators. Through various trainings and workshops, we enable them to and enhance their skills to inspire better, affect more lives positively. Highly skilled teachers are able to inspire and inculcate the right attitude and skills amongst children.
When Teachers and Schools play an active role and in addition to academics; focus on the soft skills, physical, mental and intellectual growth, complete all round development takes place. Children can realize their full potential. Such children are able to perform well beyond the academic life and achieve wonders for themselves and for the society.
Sakksham is formed by a group of people who are passionate about education and teaching, and are committed to bring about a change in education. That change starts with the educators.
More About Sakksham