To meet your Training needs
Welcome to Turv
Our Mission is to assist Organizations, Institutes and Individuals with Developing Skills and Acumen for Success.
Better Skills and Acumen enable individuals to perform their tasks better, effectively and efficiently. Skilled and Efficient individuals make possible synergizing team dynamics. When Individuals, Teams and Organizations align; They achieve their collective goal - "To Excel".
Training Programs

For any organization to succeed, the team should be cohesive, led by effective leaders, working together towards achieving a common goal and greater good for the organization.
To achieve this, organizations have to invest in people, inculcating leadership qualities in individuals, creating an environment that brings about the best in individuals, promotes and rewards collective achievements.
@Turv, we conduct specific Leadership Development Programs to help build Individual Skills and Collective Cohesion to achieve Organizational Objectives

Leadership Communication
As Managers & Leaders, we work with teams and interact with multiple people. Communication becomes the key to success @work. Leaders need to communicate clearly to be understood better; to convey clearly, succinctly, & precisely; to eliminate any misinterpretations. Leaders need to put forth strong logical arguments, persuade stakeholders and build support within the organization.
A leader can exert authority and be Assertive, through effective communication. A Leader must be well versed with concepts of 'Empathetic Communication', 'Building Trust' through communication, and making 'Difficult Conversations'. Good Communication is not merely conveying orders and information. It extends to building trust and relationships.

Soft Skills
To succeed at work, one must have professional knowledge and competence. That alone is not sufficient. Soft Skills contribute a significant part to professional success, be it individual, collective or organization wide. Soft skills are associated with Interpersonal Skills, Communication Skills and Personality Traits. Being proficient at soft skills is equally important to excel in an organization.
In organizations and institutions, Soft Skill Development is often neglected. Some people are naturally good at it. For others, guidance, coaching and practice is the way to go. We understand the need to develop these skills, and help individual and organization build required Soft Skills.

Essential Skills
Image and Perception plays a significant role in professional environment. To build a professional image of individual and the organization, we must be proficient in various aspects and skills like Business Etiquettes, Email Etiquettes, Telephone Etiquettes etc. These skills are important in projecting individuals and organization, internally and to external stakeholders.
If certain guidelines are followed within the organization, individually and collectively, it drastically improves efficiency and productivity. People waste less time in coordination, communication and spend more time doing core business activities, thus benefitting the organization as a whole.